
Patience, consistency, praise

Here is an article I found the other day. Basically it reinfoces the concept you should apply when teaching your child anything - nevermind potty training !

It’s a fact of life... every parent’s child needs potty training. Unfortunately, not every parent knows where to start. Often, the toilet training cycle becomes extremely frustrating for most parents. Sometimes you will seem to be on the right track and then your child will have a relapse. This is very frustrating, especially when you think that you are doing the right things. Add to this that there are very few knowledgeable resources out there to help you, and you have a recipe for disaster!

The most important thing to do if this is happening to you is to realize that it is not your fault. Children have had to potty train since time immemorial, and you are not the only parent experiencing these frustrations. They are normal! The second most important thing to do is to not get impatient with your child. I know, easier said than done! Nothing like coasting along and seemingly making progress, then having a setback. It can push even the best-intentioned parent over the edge!

One of the things that you can do to help your child potty train faster is to explain to him or her that everyone needs to pee and poop every day, including you. And then explain that such things belong in the potty.

As a parent, this may seem counterintuitive; but for many children, aids such as pull-ups and diapers can be a hindrance to potty training success. Not every child is the same; many will take these aids as a sign that they don’t have to go to the potty because that’s what pull-ups are for!

There are a few things that must be learned before a child can be successful with potty training:

  • The child needs to recognize that he/she has to go to the toilet
  • The child needs to learn how to hold it
  • The child needs to learn how to use the potty

In order to be successful at toilet training, you need to be patient as a parent. This means explaining to your child, sometimes over and over (and over again) that he/she needs to learn to hold it until they get to the potty and then release it. You as a parent need to be consistent. Potty training will not work if you do not insist each and every time. This is easier said than done, especially if you have had little success with your techniques until now. Here are some things that you can do to help your child be more at ease with potty training (and keep your own sanity!):

  • Be consistent (yes, every time!)
  • Use Praise (negative feedback does not work)
  • Be patient (don’t obsess over a relapse)
  • Don’t rely too much on pull-ups, diapers and other aids

With the right encouragement, you can help your child with toilet training and it will be successful faster. It also helps to find the right resources to help yourself through the process as well. The calmer and more confident you are as a parent, the easier and faster potty training success will be for your child.

Johanne Cesar knows children! Find out how hundreds of parents potty train their children successfully in 3 short days with Johanne’s no-nonsense expertise. Get your free potty training mini-course by visiting:

Johanne Cesar is a successful daycare provider with over 9 years’ experience. She has potty trained hundreds of children successfully. Johanne specializes in working with parents to teach them the keys to painless potty training success. Work with an experienced child care expert and mother of 2 who knows what it takes to get your child potty trained now! Visit:

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