
Some more potty training tips

Hi guys,
I found some more potty training tips here, including some on the use of the contoversial 'pull up'. Check it out below: -

Potty training. Most parents don't look forward to this part of child rearing. Even though it certainly isn't fun, it doesn't have to be a nightmare.

Potty training usually starts around ages 2 or 3. Generally speaking, though each child is different, girls usually start sooner, and boys usually start later. Some signals that your child is ready to start potty training includes the following:

* Pulling on their clothes * Signaling that their diaper is dirty * Crossing legs or holding their crotch area

One potty training tip that can be of immense help is one that most parents don't even think about. Try letting your child accompany you in the bathroom and watch you use the toilet. This way, the child will see that "even mommy does it". This will go a long way towards alleviating their anxiety or fears. Below are a few more potty training tips that you can use when the time has come:

* Potty training tip #1 - Let the child help pick out their pull-ups, if you plan to use them

* Potty training tip #2- Use a potty training book for interactive learning

* Potty training tip #3 - Get your child a small potty especially for them to use in the bathroom; this makes potty training less intimidating

* Potty training tip #4 - Give your child proper instructions on using their special potty

* Potty training tip #5 - Use visual aids for motivation, like a potty training chart

Potty training charts are also of immense help. A potty training chart is a chart of progress for a child, and works as a type of reward system (positive reinforcement). Potty training charts are used by daycare providers and child psychologists. You can put your child's name on the potty training chart, and use a smiley face sticker for each time that your child is successful in going to the potty. Potty training charts come in different sizes, with lots of colors and different characters. Using a potty training chart helps you involve your child in their potty training in a way that is fun for them.

Another potty training tip that parents sometimes fail to use is getting the child familiar with the potty, even if that means sitting on it and doing nothing. Just being familiar with the act of sitting on the potty will help stop the battles that can sometimes occur during potty training.

Here is the ultimate potty training tip: Don't yell or punish your child if they have an accident. This will only lead to regression with whatever progress you've made up until that point. If the child feels pressure, it will be harder for them to use the potty when they are supposed to. Conversely, if you get overly excited when they do go, they may also regress, feeling pressure to please mom or dad.

Unfortunately, you will probably be potty training your child when they are in the "terrible twos", that is, when they are most inclined to challenge your authority as a parent. It is very important not to give in to this kind of behavior and let it escalate into a battle. If this happens, the process of potty training will be very slow. So keep your cool, work with your child and make sure that your child is familiar with the potty before you begin.

Johanne Cesar knows children! Find out how hundreds of parents potty train their children successfully in 3 short days with Johanne’s no-nonsense expertise. Get your free potty training mini-course by visiting her Potty Training website.

Related Articles - potty training, potty training tip, potty training chart,


Going public with potty training

It's a thorny question isn't it? When your almost there with your potty training. But do you take your tod out in underwhere and risk an accedent or put the nappy back on and risk regression? Take a look at the article below for some advice...

You've done a lot of the hard work and potty training is now going well. To get things running smoothly you've been staying home and it's been working. You've got a good system happening between the two of you and there have been relatively few accidents in recent days. You're even starting to feel like this potty training thing is no big deal.

You wonder whether maybe it's time to head out, to move beyond the safety of home. However, you know that potty training at home is very different to potty training in the big wide world but you aren't sure how different and what to do to prepare yourself and educate your child on what to expect.

Just because it's new and perhaps a bit intimidating, you can't stay home forever. No really, you can't! Of course, it's tempting to put them in pull ups so you won't have to worry about any potential accidents. The only problem is that it isn't really sending your child the right message about the path ahead.

You know that your child can go for at least an hour in between potty visits so if you time it right you might be able to get there and back within the hour. Well, maybe. But bladders, especially children's bladders, aren't always like that. You know what it's like when you get excited or nervous, you need to go to the bathroom more. Your child is like that too, only they can't hold on like you can. So you may well find that your child needs to go more when they are out, not less.

So what can you do?
1. Explain to your child what will happen when you are out, how it will likely be different from home and any concerns you may have.

2. Get them to go, or at least try to go potty before you leave.

3. Find out where the toilets are as soon as you get wherever you are going and go straight away. It's much easier doing this calmly before they really need it than in the rush of a sudden urge.

4. If you're out in public, as you move around always be on the lookout for those tell-tale bathroom signs so you know exactly which direction you should head if you need to.

5. If you don't have a portable potty with you, try getting your child to sit backwards on a regular toilet, some children find this easier because they have the wall or toilet cistern to hold onto and don't feel like they are going to fall off the seat on to the floor.

6. Take some spare clothing, a couple of plastic bags, and some baby wipes and paper towels with you in case of accidents.

7. If they have an accident in a shop or restaurant, let the staff know and race to the bathroom with your child. Sure it is embarrassing but you won't be the first. All you can really do is apologise "quickly" and leave a big tip.

8. If your child has an accident at a friend's house then it's your responsibility to clean it up. Best to take your own paper towels so you can quickly spring into action without having to ask for everything and make it a big deal.

9. Don't forget to take your sense of humour accidents or not, you're going to need it. There may be several false alarms with your child wanting to find out what happens when they say the magic trigger word. If you feel this is happening, try not to get upset with them. Instead try praising them for telling you and being so responsible about their potty training, even though you know it's not easy.

Good luck!

About The Author:

To find more information on how to handle potty training road blocks and what other potty training sites won't tell you, visit Sign up for a free e-course on how to make potty training fun for you and your child.


A funny Potty Training video

a bit of light relief but check out the potty training clips from usube below...

A Japanese Potty Training video

Can't understand a word the kid is saying but my lad loves to watch it. Check it out here if you are looking for potty training tips in Japanese - or just a laugh!

Resource Page

Here I will add any links to resources I come accross in my potty training travels...

This here is an article on Elimination Comunication, or how to effectivly potty train your baby from birth: -

Weighs up the pro's and cons of different potty training methods: -

A number of potty training tips with a personal perspective on things: -

A solid site written from a medical perspective: -


Potty Training: - in a nutshell

A quick in a nutshell guide to potty training. Read this if you don't have 20 minits to get the full lowdown on potty training, but for best results check out the full potty taining method here.

If you’ve determined that your child is ready for potty training, it’s time to take the plunge. It’s not easy, but don’t despair, your child will master potty training some time before kindergarten. It’s important to make sure you’re ready, too, because potty training requires a lot of commitment on the part of the Mom.

First, you need to make potty training a project. If your child is really ready, and you make the commitment to focus on it, many children can be trained in about a week. But, you’ve got to stay on top of it to make it go quickly. Here are some tips to help you out.

Use the timer Tell your child that when the bell rings, it’s time to race to the potty. Then set the timer for 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, race to the potty with the child and see if she can go. If not, set the timer for another 20 minutes and try again. As you determine the right interval, you can wait longer between alarms, but 20 minute intervals is a good place to start. Not only does this make a game for you and your toddler, it ensures that you won’t forget to ask if she needs to potty. Success breeds success here. If she can go for a long time without wetting her diaper, it will encourage her to remember. But, at first, you’ve got to remember.

Offer rewards Offer some sort of reward every time your child goes in the potty. Double it if she tells you she needs to go and then actually goes. Every success should be wildly celebrated. We do our happy dance, sing our song and get stickers, each and every time.

Let the little one go naked This tactic works best for those without carpet. Your child will really get the picture about how potty training works if he has an accident while wearing nothing on his bottom. It can be messy, but you’ll probably find that it really speeds up the process. It seems to work especially well with girls, as they really don’t like the feeling of wetness.

The most important aspect of potty training is diligence. There are lots of tools that can help you, like books and dolls with their own potty. But the number one factor in succeeding quickly is simply making potty training a priority, so get prepared. Plan ahead of time to make this week “potty training week” and then stick to the plan. Stay home as much as possible to make training easier. Before you know it, you’ll be kissing those diapers goodbye!

Sarah is a 41 year old wife and mother of two boys and one girl. She spent many years as a manager in the corporate world, and gave it up to be a stay at home mom.

Go to now and get her incredible baby minicourse – absolutely free.


Regression In Potty Training

Found a short but good article on Regression in potty training today, check it out below...

Your child has done so well with her potty training. Then, all of a sudden she starts wetting her pants, hides to do “her business” or asks for a diaper or pull-up. What happened?

Don’t Get Frustrated Even though seeing your child go backward in this important developmental step can seem very frustrating, don’t let it get to you. Your child will feel your frustration and feel even worse than she already does about going back to diapers.

Instead look at it as a natural development she is going through. Keep encouraging her to use the potty and most importantly, don’t make her feel ashamed about wetting her pants. Yelling, calling her names or punishing her for her accidents will only make matters worse. Be the loving and nurturing parent that she needs right now, since there is usually a good reason for her regression.

Determine The Cause Of The Regression As I mentioned, there is usually a good reason why your child is regressing in her potty training, even though it may not be obvious to you right away, or you may not connect the cause with potty training. Did you move recently, change daycare, or had a new baby? Even very young toddlers can express what is bothering them if you take the time to find out. Spend some extra time with your little one, play in the floor or read some stories together and see if she doesn’t give you some hints about what is bothering her and causing her to give up on the potty idea – for now.

Be Encouraging Keep encouraging your child to go to the potty. Keep a positive attitude and don’t force the issue, but keep it in your toddlers mind. Ask her every few hours if she would like to go to the potty. Don’t make a big deal out of it when she goes in her diaper, or clothes. Change her and ask her to use the potty next time. When she does decide to use the potty again, be sure to give her lots and lots of praise.

Be Patient

With all your support and encouragement your child will soon jump back into a routine of using the potty and this little phase of going back to diapers will be over. Just remember to relax, avoid getting frustrated, or at least don’t let your child notice your frustration, find out if there is an underlying cause and above all be encouraging and patient. Remember you are your child’s biggest cheerleader when it comes to mastering potty training.

For more information about potty training, potty training tips and a free ecourse to help you potty train your child visit


Top 5 ways to reward your child for potty training success.

I don't know about you guys but I love this bit - celebrating success. Not only are you happy because of the successful event, but to see real joy on your little 'uns face when they realize just how happy they made you. And they get caught up in all the excitement too.

Now when it comes to the reward, well check out these top ten ideas on how to reward your child for potty success - no matter how small.

  1. GO ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!! This is great. Go bananas; celebrate like you are at a Tony Robbins event. And just see how quickly your 'todd' catches on that they did a good potty job!
  2. Sweets, snacks, treats - every kid has his favorite (my little 'un loves tomato's - weird). Let them have one - no make it two.
  3. Take them somewhere special. Not the park or somewhere you would take them anyway. but what about the zoo, seaside or in the UK we have somewhere called 'Brewster’s' - basically a food/pub with a massive adventure playground on the side, my kids love it
  4. Take the day of work and dedicate a whole day to having some fun with Daddy/Mummy. You'll love it almost as much as your kid - I guarantee it!
  5. Throw a party! OK might be going a little too far, but why not? You don't have to call it a potty training completion party, but what’s wrong with a bit of impromptu fun. Invite friends, family and the kids from his playgroup. Just you tell everyone you can how proud you are of your daughter/son and what a big kid they are now they can go to the toilet like big people. They will be the center of attention and they'll love it!

Dou you have any other ideas for celebrating potty training completion? If so why not drop me a comment here and I will expand the list...

Early V's Late Potty Training

I picked up on an interesting article outlining the benefits of Early over late potty training. What the writter also fails to mention is the fortune saved in not having to buy nappies (diapers) for an extra couple of years! Check it out below, she also mentiones her method for Potty training in three days - but I'm pretty sure the free method posted here will be just as effective!...

Many doctors and or psychologist will tell you to not potty train until your child is 3 or 4 years old. Some even say to not potty train the child at all; that they will potty train themselves when they are ready which they say is between the age of 4 and 5 years old. I personally don't know how and where they got their statistics because I have found the exact opposite.

Through my many years of potty training I have found that parents that start introducing the idea of potty training to their children at a very young age have faster and easier success then those parents that wait until the child is much older.

Children that are younger are more impressionable, they are not set in their ways. The closer to the age of three that a child gets, the more set in their ways they get. They become comfortable in their diaper and in how they do things.

The older the child gets the harder and longer it takes parents to get their child potty trained. Children at this age know how to control the situation and they use their control. They are also very comfortable with the way things are so getting them to change is hard.

I have found that most children at the age of 22 months old are ready to potty train and can be trained in as little as three days. At you can find a potty training guide that gives a fail proof test to test the readiness of your little one. If your little one can pass this easy test then they are ready to be potty trained.

Why wait for a child to reach the age of 4? Why make it harder on you later? Why change diapers for another two years?

Is your child already 3 or 4 years old? Well the good news is that it's not too late. You too can potty train in as little as three days. You might have a little more of a fight on your hands but it can be done!!

Now, I'm not a doctor or a psychologist but I am a mother of 6 kids and I have had 8 foster kids. I have also successfully helped in potty training over 2100 children from around the world. I personally feel I'm an expert in Potty Training. So in my "expert" opinion I believe that if you potty train early you will have faster and easier success.

Copyright 2006 Lora Jensen.

Lora's potty training advice has helped thousands of parents and caregivers potty train their children. The Easy Potty Training Guide gives parents and caregivers the specific knowledge they need in order to effectively potty train children as young as 18 months, and in as few as three days. Visit for more potty training information.


FAQ's: Potty Training

Hi, I'd like to know all your unanswered questions on potty training. There is a lot of information on the subject of potty training out on the internet but it is spread out and disperate. I am looking for a place to collate it all in one potty training blog, a place you can go to find all the answers.

So If you have a question about potty training that you can't find out on the internet or anywhare else for that matter, post it here and between me and the rest of the regular blog readers we will do our best to answer it and add it to the FAQ.

Here's a starter for ten!

1. When should I start potty training my child?
2. What are some signs that my child is "ready" to be potty-trained?
3. Is it true that girls are easier to potty-train than boys?
4. What about infant potty training?
5. What "tools" do I need to get ready to potty train my child?
6. What does "child-led" potty training mean - and what other option is there?
7. Now that I know I'm ready to toilet train, what's my first step?

1. When should I start potty training my child?
The AAP says to start toilet training your child when he's ready. Depending on the child, you might start as early as 18 to 24 months; or your child may not be ready until after 30 months, the pediatrics association goes on to say. Toddlers Today reports on a 1997 survey of 482 healthy toddlers; only 4% were potty trained by age two, while most weren't potty trained until between 3 and 3 1/2 years old.

Bad times to start potty training, according to the AAP, are when the child resists strongly or major stress in the home. One big stressor? A new baby in the home or one on the way. That's my situation, and it's certainly not a rare case.

2. What are some signs that my child is "ready" to be potty-trained?
Dr. Spock says there are a couple of basic indications: understanding the concepts involving the potty, and showing interest in using it. According to the AAP, some things are rather basic; you can't potty-train your toddler until he can follow simple instructions, walk to and from the bathroom and help undress. But the chief indications, they say, are staying dry at least two hours a time during the day, having regular and predictable bowel movements, and being uncomfortable with dirty diapers and asking to be changed. Babycenter also has a nice list of signs of readiness, including that the child should seem to recognize when it's about time to go.

3. Is it true that girls are easier to potty-train than boys?
Babycenter says yes, girls are easier; although no research has been done to support it. A large but unscientific poll of parents says that girls are easier by a margin of 56% to 44%. The experts at Discovery Health agree, but don't give any reason why.

4. What about infant potty training?
Infant toilet training, also known as elimination communication, is a relatively new idea in the U.S. and usually begins between birth and 4-5 months. White-Boucke Publishing says it is based on age-old techniques from Africa, Asia and South America. According to the Infant Potty Training Web Ring, the basic idea is to observe when your baby is about to pee or poop, then make some noise to associate with peeing - they say the baby will pick up on this quickly. Once you've figured out when the baby is about to go, hold them over your "preferred potty place" (bowl, sink, toilet or outdoors) and let 'er rip.

5. What "tools" do I need to get ready to potty train my child?
First, you'll need a child-sized potty or an insert for your toilet; BabyCenter has a "calculator" to help you pick which one (many parents buy both). Toddlers Today says you'll need training pants (either cloth or disposable) at some point. Other things you might want to consider are books, bribes, and charts; read below for more details.

6. What does "child-led" potty training mean - and what other option is there?
"Child-led" potty training is endorsed by the AAP, according to Toddlers Today. Basically, it means following your child's signals and taking it slow. An attachment parenting web site talks about the downside of the other option, which is, of course, parent-led toilet training. They say that parent-led training is a "war of wills" and often uses embarrassment. No one that we know (or read) endorses embarrassment, just to be clear. Main Street Mom talks about the "naked and $75 approach" suggested by Dr. John Rosemond. The $75 is for carpet cleaning. (And it didn't work for me either.)

The Red-haired Girl gave up on child-led and put her son into underpants. She figures she'll have to wash a lot of pants before she's successful.

7. Now that I know I'm ready to toilet train, what's my first step?
Babycenter suggests starting with a regular routine in which you set your child on the potty fully clothed at the same time each day, and later start taking his diaper off. The AAP says to let your child watch you or an older sibling go to the potty, and to teach your child proper hygiene habits like washing his hands after using the potty. Explain the process and let your child ask questions.

Good Tips For Potty Training Girls

I found a great post on potty training for girls. Check it out below: -

Good Tips For Potty Training Girls by Ben Adams

You are folding laundry one day, putting away your socks and underwear with your constant helper by your side. She says "Mommy's Panties?" to which, if course, you tell her, yes they are. Then comes the question you've been waiting for...she asks where her panties are. You get a big grin; she is ready to start potty training, right?

The answer is "Maybe". There are a few things to keep in mind if you are getting ready or thinking of potty training your little girl.

The first thing to consider is, if she is ready or is simply wondering about what Mommy does and wears. Pushing her to train when you are ready isn't going to do any good at all. Most children will be ready between eighteen months and three years of age. Of course, this is a guideline, not an absolute. Your little one may be early or later than these ages.

How do you know if she is ready? Well, does she stay dry for at least two hours? Does she make a specific face when she needs to go? Does she start to fidget? And the big one- does she ask to wear panties? These can all be signs that she is ready to learn.

There are several thoughts as to how to speed up the process of training. Using diapers that pull on and off like underwear, but have the benefits of diapers. Maybe you should try training pants that look like panties, but act like diapers, pulling moisture away from her skin. Should you go straight to panties and let her know what being wet feels like?

The answer is different for every little girl. If she shows interest in her own panties, by all means, let her. Take her shopping; let her pick out her own designs. She may think the ones with fish are the cutest when you would have picked out butterflies for her.

One of the best ways to get her to use the potty is by giving her plenty of choices. While in other situations, choices may not be a good thing; here it may be what gets things moving. Let her chose if she wants to use the big potty or the little one. If she wants panties or pull up type diapers with her favorite character. She may change her mind several times during the course of making the decision or even through the day.

Watch for fidgety moments when she is playing. Ask her if she needs to go. If she responds that she doesn't, give her a few more minutes. Then check again. This time you may want to let her know it is time to go instead of giving her the option.

Dress her in loose fitting clothes so she doesn't have to mess with buttons and zippers. Also, be sure to teach her how to wipe, wash up and flush when she is finished.

The main thing to remember is to have patience with her. While it's second nature to us, she needs to learn how to tell when to go potty.

About the Author

Discover the very latest tricks, tips and resources, to help you potty train your child quickly and more effectively, especially when the child is struggling or very resistant to your potty training efforts. For up to date information: Potty Training Tips


Patience, consistency, praise

Here is an article I found the other day. Basically it reinfoces the concept you should apply when teaching your child anything - nevermind potty training !

It’s a fact of life... every parent’s child needs potty training. Unfortunately, not every parent knows where to start. Often, the toilet training cycle becomes extremely frustrating for most parents. Sometimes you will seem to be on the right track and then your child will have a relapse. This is very frustrating, especially when you think that you are doing the right things. Add to this that there are very few knowledgeable resources out there to help you, and you have a recipe for disaster!

The most important thing to do if this is happening to you is to realize that it is not your fault. Children have had to potty train since time immemorial, and you are not the only parent experiencing these frustrations. They are normal! The second most important thing to do is to not get impatient with your child. I know, easier said than done! Nothing like coasting along and seemingly making progress, then having a setback. It can push even the best-intentioned parent over the edge!

One of the things that you can do to help your child potty train faster is to explain to him or her that everyone needs to pee and poop every day, including you. And then explain that such things belong in the potty.

As a parent, this may seem counterintuitive; but for many children, aids such as pull-ups and diapers can be a hindrance to potty training success. Not every child is the same; many will take these aids as a sign that they don’t have to go to the potty because that’s what pull-ups are for!

There are a few things that must be learned before a child can be successful with potty training:

  • The child needs to recognize that he/she has to go to the toilet
  • The child needs to learn how to hold it
  • The child needs to learn how to use the potty

In order to be successful at toilet training, you need to be patient as a parent. This means explaining to your child, sometimes over and over (and over again) that he/she needs to learn to hold it until they get to the potty and then release it. You as a parent need to be consistent. Potty training will not work if you do not insist each and every time. This is easier said than done, especially if you have had little success with your techniques until now. Here are some things that you can do to help your child be more at ease with potty training (and keep your own sanity!):

  • Be consistent (yes, every time!)
  • Use Praise (negative feedback does not work)
  • Be patient (don’t obsess over a relapse)
  • Don’t rely too much on pull-ups, diapers and other aids

With the right encouragement, you can help your child with toilet training and it will be successful faster. It also helps to find the right resources to help yourself through the process as well. The calmer and more confident you are as a parent, the easier and faster potty training success will be for your child.

Johanne Cesar knows children! Find out how hundreds of parents potty train their children successfully in 3 short days with Johanne’s no-nonsense expertise. Get your free potty training mini-course by visiting:

Johanne Cesar is a successful daycare provider with over 9 years’ experience. She has potty trained hundreds of children successfully. Johanne specializes in working with parents to teach them the keys to painless potty training success. Work with an experienced child care expert and mother of 2 who knows what it takes to get your child potty trained now! Visit:


Potty Training Method: Tips

If your spouse wants to help or you want your spouse to help during the three days of training, please make sure you are both on the same page and both understand the method. Consistency is important, regardless if it’s with mum or dad and the child needs to see and understand that.

As noted earlier, if you have tried any other methods or have used pull-ups in the past, you should take a break from potty training. Give it a couple of weeks without pressure and then start fresh. You can let the child use the potty only if they ask while you are waiting to start. Again it’s so important to stay close to the child through the whole potty training process. You must catch the child in the act of going every single time. The more you catch the child the faster the training will go. Some parents are worried that they aren’t seeing in progress during the first or second day. That’s ok, but still remember to stay consistent. It will click in a few days.

Don’t let your child run around naked during potty training. It doesn’t help and it’s teaching a bad habit.

<<<<<: Nursery/Kindergarden
>>>>>: Potty Training Blog

Potty Training Method: Nursery/Kindergarten

If your child is at nursery be sure to discuss with them your plan. Explain to them that when your child returns to daycare that they’re not to put a pull-up or nappy on the child.

If your nursery provider is not on board with you then you might have a set back or two. There are many good nursery providers out there and they are willing to work with the parents but there are some that want nothing to do with helping the parents out. They want the child in a pull-up or nappy until they leave for school. If your nursery provider is one that isn’t willing to support you during this training you might need to spend an extra day or two at home to make sure that there are no more accidents and that the child is confident in his new skill.

<<<<<: Older Children
>>>>>: Tips

Potty Training Method: Older Children

Children older then about 2 ½ years old are a little harder to potty train. They are resistant to change and are getting set in their ways. They have a “habit” of using a nappy to go pee or poo in. Stopping to go wee or poo in the toilet hasn’t gotten in the way of playing and they don’t want it to either. The same method of training a younger child is the same for an older child but consistency is even more important. When you start this method you must not stop. Be consistent and positive and make sure to always catch them in the middle of their accidents. Older children can understand reasoning a little better so you can explain more and expect more from them.

<<<<<: Relapses
>>>>>: Nursery/Kindergarden

Potty Training Method: Relapses

Some kids lose interest in the potty, some kids use the potty as a way to get attention, some kids will even use it to compete with something like a new baby or moving to a new house.

Listed below are some possible relapses your child could face and how to deal with them. Keep in mind that slightly damp underwear are not and should not be considered a relapse. Damp underwear just show that your child is controlling the urge to wee. He is showing control which is a good thing.

• After being potty trained for a little while some kids realize that taking time to go “wee” or “poo” is an interruption to their play time or will procrastinate until it’s too late and will just wee or poo their underwear instead of taking the time out to go to the potty chair.

This type of relapse can be avoided by occasionally telling the child that you are proud of them for being a big boy/girl and that you appreciate them not messing in their underwear. If these accidents continue you will need to look at these as behavior problems and quickly put a stop to them with disciplinary action. Use the same type of disciplinary action you would normally use for bad behaviour. Be firm, be consistent. If the bad behavior continues you will need to increase the punishment until he/she recognizes that it’s not worth it. Here are some steps that have helped cure the bad behaviour or messing their underwear:-

At the beginning of the day sit her down and tell your child that if he poops his pants he will have time out. Don't say anything else but that. When he has an accident, don't react. Get a clean pair of underwear for him and tell him to clean himself up. Don't react! Have him clean himself up. When he's done, take his hand and put him on a chair facing the corner. Put a timer on and make him sit for 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, tell him that she must keep his underwear clean. Just keep repeating this. Without you reacting....he will stop.

• Some children are simply looking for attention. They will mess themselves not because they were playing, not because they were procrastinating, just outright doing it for attention.

This type of relapse can be easily fixed. Make sure the child knows that you are displeased with their actions but then afterwards spend some time with your child. Children need the love and attention from their parents. As parents we all so often get distracted that we don’t always remember to take the time out for one on one with our children.

• The sweet joys of a new baby. Everyone is so excited and mummy is busy with the new baby. People come in and out of the house and all want to see the baby. What about the “big boy/girl”? Yup that “big boy/girl” could have a little jealousy problem with the new baby and will have accidents to get some attention.

This type of relapse can be avoided all together. By talking to your child before the baby comes about the baby and about how the baby will be wearing diapers because he can’t walk and go to the potty chair will help your child. Talk to your child about helping you with the new baby. Call them your “helper”. Make them know that they will be part of this. If they still have accidents for attention follow the steps above.

<<<<<: Consistency
>>>>>: Older Children

Potty Training Method: Consistency

Consistency is the reason why some parents can potty train faster then others. Consistency is crucial to your child’s potty training success. If you truly want potty training to be successful and quick then you as the parent must be willing to be consistent and follow through.

Children pick up on things faster when conditions remain consistent. When you are not consistent with your child, he or she will get the idea that it’s ok to do things wrong. If you always remain consistent then your child will understand what is expected of them and they will potty train much faster. If you can’t be consistent with your child you will find that following this or any other method will simply be unsuccessful.

Consitancy applies to not only potty training but bringing up children in general - try to be consistent with your kids whenever you can.

<<<<<: What about pooing
>>>>>: Relapses

Potty Training Method: What About Pooing?

Potty training for “pee” and “poo” should happen simultaneously as they will be taught the same way and at the same time. However, some children have a hard time with going to “poo” on the potty when they are first potty trained. If the regular method doesn’t work for the pooing part, try the following: Sit down with your child and have him help you make a chart. Tell him that you will give him a star for each time he goes poo in the potty. Let him know that after he gets 10 stars he will get a “….” (Make it something he really wants.) Stay consistent, give a high fiber diet to help keep things from getting “tight” and to catch them in the act each and every time.

With any and all “pooing” accidents you should really overreact to the mess. Overreact more then you do about the wee messes. Make sure to keep reacting to the mess the whole time you are cleaning it up. Don’t make them think you are upset with him, but that you are disappointed about having to clean up all that mess.

Potty training for poo should be eaiser than potty training for wee once your toddler gets the idea and you should have less "didn't get to the potty in time accidents", hopefully.

<<<<<: Getting started - Nighttime training

>>>>>: Consistency

Potty Training Method: Getting Started - Nighttime Training

About 2 - 3 hours before bedtime you will want to limit liquids or stop them completely. Have your child go to wee on the potty chair before going to bed for the night. You might have a little wait on your hands and some “role playing” before they go but once they go you can put them in bed then follow these steps:

• 30 minutes after your child has gone to sleep wake him/her and have them go wee and put them back to bed.

• Just before you go to bed, wake the child again and have them go wee again and put them back down.

• 30 minutes before your child usually wakes up in the morning, wake him and have him go wee in the toilet.

What these steps do is train your child to wake and go wee when he has the urge. You do not need to do these steps if your child usually wakes up dry anyway.

If the child does have an accident in the middle of the night, get up and change the sheets making sure to say ewgh! And tell the child to tell you when he needs to go wee. Put the child back down for the night.

<<<<<: Getting started - Daytime training
>>>>>: What about pooing

Potty Training Method: Getting Started - Daytime Training

Iiiitttttssss.... Potty Training Day!!!!

You must have no distractions and you have prepared yourself and your child. Potty Training is a lot of work but if you are dedicated and consistent the training process will go very fast.

To start you will need to make sure that everything is in order.

• Have your potty chair set up in your bathroom. Place the potty chair in the living room or kitchen. The child needs to learn to go to the bathroom. That’s where we need to teach them to do their thing.

• Both you and your child should eat breakfast. Make sure to offer plenty of liquid to your child while he/she is eating.

• Personally be ready for the day – Showered, teeth brushed, gone to the bathroom. You don’t want anything pulling you away from training once you’ve started.

• Your child is only in a t-shirt and his/her nappy. Don’t have trousers or a dress on the child. It’s harder to see the accidents when they have them on.

Once these things are done you’re ready to start the potty training. Put the underwear on the child and tell them that they are “Big Boy/Girl Pants”. Make sure you call them that. Be sure to tell the child how big they look and how proud you are of them for being so big. They like being called big so remember to call your child a big boy or big girl often. Tell your child that they must keep their underwear dry.

Now you will need to take your child and have them throw away all the unused nappies. There is no going back now. Tell your child that they don’t need those yucky baby nappies anymore. They’re big and all grown up! If at any time your child says he wants the nappy tell him that they are all gone. Make sure you stick to this. They might ask or even cry for them because of the comfort they have with them. After all, they’ve been wearing them for almost 2 years. Bring your child into the bathroom with you and get down to his/her level. Explain to your child the purpose of the potty chair. Tell your child that it’s used to put wee and poo in and if he needs to go wee or poo that it needs to go in the potty and not in is new underwear. There is not need for a power struggle here. If your child cries at this point and says no, do not react just take them out of the bathroom and go to the next step. Talk with your child about being wet and dry. Do not ask your child if he’s wet, as you have already told your child that he must stay dry. The focus will be on the child staying dry not wet. Remember to have the child check frequently. Each time your child checks their underwear and they are dry, really praise them. Make sure your child knows how proud you are of him/her for keeping the underwear “dry”. Tell your child to “tell mummy/daddy when you have to go to wee because you’re a big boy/girl.” make sure not to just “ask” the child if they need to go because you will probably always get the answer “no”. Instead try saying something like “You’re such a big girl. Mummy/Daddy is so proud of you. Be sure to tell mum/dad when you have to go, OK?” This will make the child think he has the control but it’s really you asking him if he needs to go.

Also remember to have your child check for dryness. You should be having the child check for dryness and telling them to tell you if they need to go every couple of minutes. You want to keep this in their mind at all times. Start offering your child their favorite drinks. Have them drink all day. If they seem tired of one kind of drink, try another. The more they drink the more they will need to go to the bathroom, which means more opportunities to train. Spend your day with the child. Get on the floor and play games, sit with your child to watch their favorite program on TV. If the weather is good you can play in the backyard (as long as bathroom isn’t a mile away). Color with the child, clean the toy box with the child. Anything goes as long as you are right by the child’s side. You must not leave the child’s side. Staying with the child is the key to this program. It’s so important to catch them in the act of going pee or pooping each and every time. The more you catch your child in the act the faster the training will go. If your child is willing you can do role playing on what to do when they need to go wee or poo. Some kids like this and others do not.

When you see your child weeing or pooing in their pants, pick your child up in the middle of them going and run them to the bathroom and sit them on the toilet as fast as you can. Have them finish on the toilet. When you are picking them up don’t yell or call them bad. Just say “Yuck, your underwear is wet and that’s horrible. You’re a big boy/girl; you’re supposed to go wee/poo in the big boy/girl potty and keep your underwear dry.” If the child finishes in the toilet say “Good boy/girl, I knew you could do it!” Now give them a snack. Don’t say the snack is for going pee or pooping in the toilet. You will repeat this over and over with each accident. Accidents are part of the training. Accidents help the training process succeed faster because it gives you the chance to show your child what to do and what not to do. Don’t ever make the child just sit on the toilet. This is a mistake a lot of parents make. They get so discouraged about the child weeing in their pants that they place them on the toilet and say that they are staying there until they go. Please do not do this. This causes the child to be scared of using the toilet and view the toilet as a punishment. If you make them just sit on the potty it will make the training harder and take longer.

You will probably need to do washing if you don’t have enough underwear. It’s OK and doesn’t mean that your child isn’t getting it. It will “click” for your child if you stay positive and stay consistent. When your child does tell you that he/she needs to go wee or poo, run with your child to the toilet and let them go. When they go, you need to go “crazy”.

Jump up and down and tell them how big they are and how proud you are of them. Tell them that they are so grown up. Keep clapping your hands and really make them feel good about themselves. Once they are done going you need to tell them “let’s call daddy at work” or “let’s call Aunty Jane”. Call anyone that will praise your child for being so big. The child needs to see and feel how great of an act it was for them to go in the potty. You should always act with great joy each and every time they go wee or poo in the toilet.

Some kids like sitting backwards on the toilet because they don’t feel as if they are going to fall in. This works well for both boys and girls.

Nap time - Yes it’s OK to put your child down for a nap during training. I personally have found that most kids will not have an accident if you have them go wee before the nap and then just as they wake up.

<<<<<: Items needed before starting
>>>>>: Getting started - Nighttime training

Potty Training Method: Items Needed Before Starting

You might already have these items in your home. If you do, that is super. If you don’t have these items you can easily find them at your local discount store.

Potty Chair – some kids like a potty chair but most of my kids have preferred the big toilet. You can also try a potty seat to put on the big toilet.

Training pants - You probably need more underwear than what you think. You will need at least 20 pair. Do not purchase Pull-Ups as these are a waste of money and will confuse your child. If you’re going to use this method you can not use Pull-Ups. You also need to make sure you buy regular underwear, not the padded kind. Training pants will also confuse your child so please do not purchase these. You don’t need to buy all the same size underwear. You can purchase some that are a size or two bigger then what they need. After you are finished potty training you can put the bigger ones away until they grow into them. You shouldn’t be going anywhere during the three days of training and after the three days, there won’t be a need for anything like pull ups or rubber/waterproof unaware.

Wet Wipes - These are not a must but they do make clean up much easier. You don’t want to use or bring up the word “baby wipes” as you are training your child to be a “Big Kid”. You can buy these wipes and have them in the bathroom for a couple of days so your child knows those are big people wipes.

Liquids - Lots of liquids will be needed. Make sure to have plenty of your child’s favourite drinks on hand. You want to keep them drinking throughout the training. Water is always best and some parents worry about lots of sugar. If you are worried about the sugar then try sugar-free items. You child shouldn’t be drinking lots of milk during the process but if you can’t get your child to drink anything else then fair enough.

Treats - You will need to get snacks/treats. A salty snack sometimes help them drink more so you can also use bread sticks, crackers or celery filled with cream cheese.

<<<<<: Pre training prepwork
>>>>>: Getting started - Daytime training

Potty Taining Method: Pre-Training Prep Work

There are a few very important things you will need to do to make sure you have potty training success:-

1) You will need to pick the week when you know you will have no interruptions. You will need at least three days to dedicate to this so arrange with your spouse or other family members to take over the other household duties. so you can focus on purely potty training.

2) A week or two before you start this potty training method you should start to appear disgusted out when you change your child’s nappy. Say things like yuck, ewgh, sticky and make funny faces like you can’t stand the smell. Don’t laugh about it even if your child does. It’s suppose to be disgusting.

3) If you have used other methods and have not had success and are now trying this method you will need to give the potty training a break first. Stop talking about the potty and using the potty. Only let them use it if they ask. Just give it a break. Start fresh with this method after a couple of weeks.

4) Again, be mentally and emotionally prepared for this. Be ready to be consistent. Potty training requires a good deal of patence, consistancy and encouragment.

<<<<<: Are you ready

>>>>>: Items needed before starting

Potty Training Method: Are you Ready?

It may sound like a funny question to be asking because it’s the child that’s being potty trained. The reason I ask this question is because many parents will jump into this without fully giving it their all or being truly prepared. You must be willing to follow it completely and to be mentally prepared for what will come.

You must mentally and emotionally be prepared to have an ugly mess on your hands - changing potty nappies is much easier than changing potty underwear. Potty training is going to be one of the most emotional, stressful, frustrating and difficult things you will do in a very long time.

If you’re a working mum (or Dad), you will need to take time off from work. You will need around three days to work with your child. It’s important that you focus on the one child being potty trained and not get distracted with any other children. This isn’t always possible but it does help. You really do need to give your child 100% of your attention. Please do not start this method until you are completely prepared for this. Starting this method and then giving up in the middle of it will send mixed signals to your child. When you start, you must not quit.

<<<<<: At what age should I start
>>>>>: Pre training prep work

Potty Training Method: At What Age Should I Start Potty Training?

One of the biggest mistakes a parent can make in potty training is waiting too long to start. Virtually all children can be potty trained at the age of 22 months and can be trained in as few as three days.

Many mums and dads that say that their child doesn't talk well or they don't understand everything that is said to them. Your child does not need to know how to talk well. He or she does not need to be able to say "Mummy, I need to go to the bathroom because I need to use the potty." Baby talk and non-verbal communication work just as well.

Your child must not be going to bed with a bottle or cup. This is very Important, otherwise it’s impossible for your child to wake up dry. For those parents that would like to potty training their child under the age of 22 months there is a test you can do to check to see if your child is ready. This test only needs to be done if your child is under the age of 22 months old.

Pre 22 month test

• Stop giving your child liquids about 2 hours before bedtime.
• Put a clean nappy on your child just before putting them down for bed.
• In the morning, just before your child wakes up, check the nappy. If your child’s nappy is dry then your child is ready to potty train.

<<<<<: Contents
>>>>>: Are you ready

10 Outcomes You Will Love Before Potty Training

I found this article on the internet (The author gave me permission to publish it in full here). I think its a great article to "get you in the mindset" to potty train a toddler. Enjoy!

1. Declaration of Independence - As walking and talking, the potty training period is a milestone of independence. Potty training can allow you and your child to Declare Your Independence, you from the controlling, autocratic, punitive potty training methods used by past generations, and your child from the methods using yelling, threatening, ridiculing and even spanking. Both of you declare that the more fun you have in the potty training process, the healthier and easier it will be.

2. Research. Development and Belly Laughs - The thought of potty training can inspire you to do the research necessary for you to develop yourself as a healthy and fun guide during this rite of passage in your child's life. With your positive and fun approach, the bond of connection and love will strengthen and expand rather than falling prey to distress and concern.

This is such a fun thing to do to begin the day, and during the day when you feel stressed. Belly Laugh. Imitate and act like you are laughing so hard, like someone is tickling you. At first you will have to pretend but within a few seconds, your body will respond and you will giggle and giggle. You may have to get over "feeling foolish" but choose to DO IT anyway. Research has shown that people who do this on a regular basis reduce stress, are healthier and have more fun every day.

3. A Natural Process and Feeling Loved - You can create you child's transition from diapers to the potty to be a easy one or a struggle. Given guidance, encouragement, and the time to develop, most children will practically train themselves to use the toilet. You can assist your child in this process by using potty learning methods that you determine are healthy and fun. Visit and call Karen to talk about healthy and fun ways.

What does your child want to see from you when she walks into your space? The answer is "A smile, your eyes light up, anything that shows that you are happy to see him". Isn't that what we all want? We all want to feel like we are loved just because we exist. Differentiate between your child's being and your child's doing. If she does something that you don't like, make sure she knows that you love her AND you don't like her behavior.

Getting in the habit of using "this works" and "this doesn't work" is a marvelous way to stay out of criticism. Criticism is the most effective way to destroy your child's self-esteem and confidence. Say this statement a couple of times: Children do not have to be made to feel bad in order for them to learn how to behave better.

4. Potty Ready and Potty Learning - Potty training is really misnamed. It might better be called, potty learning. You child develops normally and becomes ready to use the potty, slowly but surely. There are many signs of readiness. Here are a few. She has become curious and wants to watch you use the toilet. He requests that we change his diaper when he is wet. She uses the words for pee-pee and poo-poo or whatever words you have encouraged. He stops what he is doing while he is peeing or-pooing in his diaper. She is dry over longer periods of time.

5. Accepting Bodily Functions - You will learn a lot about yourself as well as your child during the potty learning process. Children accept BM's and pee with curiosity and playfulness. If given no interference, children have been observed to use their BM as finger paints, smearing it on walls, and then licking their fingers. As adults, when we see this behavior, our reaction will most likely be repulsion and reprimands filled with "yukkies" and "pee-yews" to convey our dismay.

It would be better if the parent simply acted quickly and quietly cleaning up the mess without stressful drama so the child doesn't associate anything negative with her pees and poos. Allowing pees and poos to be natural functions softens the potty training process and makes it easier. It also is the precursor of the healthy development of sexuality.

5. Singing - Singing ditties with your child makes using the potty fun, even for you. Whenever you go potty and your child is watching or within hearing range, begin to sing this ditty to the tune of "Mary Had A Little Lamb". Most likely, your child will come into the bathroom and want to watch and sing with you. Imitation will follow.

Where do we poop and pee
poop and pee
poop and pee
Where do we poop and pee
We poop and pee in the potty.

7. Emotional Intelligence - Learning to be emotionally intelligent during this phase of your child's life, will prepare you magnificently for the phases to come and will serve you well all the way through the teen years.

You may notice that it is one thing to promise yourself to be patient, tolerant and fun loving, and another matter to be it.

Let's pretend that your child sits on the potty, pees, gets off, pulls up his pants, and within seconds, poos his pants. Might a flash of anger go through your body as your expectation is dashed?

You may be tempted to react allowing your anger to escalate and control you rather than you control it. Instead, FREEZE! Just like the game we played as children, freeze and do absolutely nothing except feel your feelings. If you stay in your frozen state of animation, the intensity of the feeling will dwindle within 30 seconds. Then you make a choice to return to being patient, tolerant, and fun loving. Yes, this takes practice and more practice particularly if you tend to be a bit reactive rather than proactive.

8. Lighten Up! Surrender the Agenda - Give up the expectation that your child must do things a certain way. Children are so creative and they may come up with ways of doing things that "work" but just not the way you thought they "should". One mom said that her child used the potty chair as a helmet prior to using it for its intended use. Be willing to learn from children. They are little geniuses. When you hear the voice in your head saying "need to", "should", "must", "have to", begin to recognize that these are thoughts that set you up for inflexibility, keeping you stuck and ultimately increasing stress. I "choose to", "want to", "desire to", "like to", "am inspired to", I'd "be happy to", changes the way we feel about what we are doing. The words we choose to use, either drag us down or lighten us up.

9. Let's Read - There are so many books for you to read with you child related to learning to use the potty. Visit for a listing. Reading books with your child prepares him to learn how to read himself as well as use the potty.

10. Celebrating Successes - There is an old but true saying, "What you focus on expands". With this saying in mind, if you focus on what your child is doing "right" what will you get more of? Yes. More of what you want. If you focus on what you child is doing wrong, what will you get more of? Right again. More of what you don't want. Focus on your child's successes as well as your own. Don't hesitate to praise yourself so your child can hear you. "I did such a good job". "I like the way I did that". A healthy, fun potty learning phase will boost your child's self-esteem (and your's) , fill him with feelings of accomplishment, and give her confidence. CELEBRATE the adventure of Potty Training!

About the Author

Karen Glunz-Bagwell is an Educator and Coach. Degreed in Communications,
certified as a parenting instructor and a parent, Karen has
30 years of experience as an Educator and Life Improvement Researcher.
Karen combines her scientific/spiritual principles
with down-to-earth, everyday, practical solutions to raising children, the healthy, fun way

Potty Training

A blog dedicated to the art and science of potty training. To start with I have a simple potty trainiing method for you to use. But I will also be adding other potty trainging tips and resouces as well. Potty Training should be achived easily and quickly for a toddler - this blog should help you do that, and it works for boys and girls!

Potty Training Method: Contents

Below you will find links to the complete potty training method: -

At what age should I start Potty Training
Are you ready
Pre training prep work
Items needed before starting
Getting started - Daytime training
Getting started - Nightime training
What About Pooing
Older Children

I hope you find this method usefull and good luck!

<<<<<: Potty Training Blog
>>>>>: At what age should I start training

