
Potty Training Method: At What Age Should I Start Potty Training?

One of the biggest mistakes a parent can make in potty training is waiting too long to start. Virtually all children can be potty trained at the age of 22 months and can be trained in as few as three days.

Many mums and dads that say that their child doesn't talk well or they don't understand everything that is said to them. Your child does not need to know how to talk well. He or she does not need to be able to say "Mummy, I need to go to the bathroom because I need to use the potty." Baby talk and non-verbal communication work just as well.

Your child must not be going to bed with a bottle or cup. This is very Important, otherwise it’s impossible for your child to wake up dry. For those parents that would like to potty training their child under the age of 22 months there is a test you can do to check to see if your child is ready. This test only needs to be done if your child is under the age of 22 months old.

Pre 22 month test

• Stop giving your child liquids about 2 hours before bedtime.
• Put a clean nappy on your child just before putting them down for bed.
• In the morning, just before your child wakes up, check the nappy. If your child’s nappy is dry then your child is ready to potty train.

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>>>>>: Are you ready

1 comment:

Claire Murray said...

This is an excellent site. We've just potty trained our son using the toilet star code - it's all about rewarding your little trainee.

check it out


highly recommend it